Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mapping young farmers

Mapping the Young Famers of America at "Serve your country food." Are some of these folks candidates for our invitation list?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Brahm`s blog

Brahm Ahmadi was on our Core team last year. Here is where he blogs about his work at the People`s Grocery in Oakland, CA.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Tuesday, Tim and I welcome you to this evolving library of resources and information to help us work together to plan the FAS 2009 gathering.  We'll be placing resources here as we find them.

We'll kick off with a number of useful process tools and sites that inform the way we work together:

  • Art of Hosting - The Art of Hosting community of practice works with large scale methodolgies to bring authentic participation to conversations that matter.  Here you can find many of the tools an dmental models that underlie our approach to working with groups.
  • Chris Corrigan's site - Chris keeps a bunch of resources available on his site, including Open Space resources, facilitation tools and an active weblog.